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Geoglyph Designs

Geoglyph Designs

Geoglyphs are designs that have been created on or in the ground. A couple examples of these are UK Crop Circles and the Nazca Lines in Peru.


Unlike the Archaeological Designs which are generally small and rendered bigger, Geoglyph Designs are very large and have been rendered smaller. In all cases, the mystery and beauty of these designs are to be appreciated.  

These metal wall art renderings have been created for interior or exterior decorating. These too, are 3/16" steel and have a rust or slate power coat finish.

Due to the custom nature of our orders, all orders are taken via phone or email at this time.


Rendition Arts is continuously adding inventory and new designs. Please check back frequently or contact Holly directly with any questions you have. Custom sizes are available. Prices do not include shipping, handling, or taxes–these will be quoted when your order is placed.

crop circle image taken high up, looks like spiraling circles


Crop Circle: England 2009

30"h x 17"w ($610)


crop circle in England that inspired artwork titled Expansion

Crop Circle: England 1999
20.5"h x 22"w ($530)

image of crop circle found in England 2008, artwork based on this is called Hexaemeron

Crop Circle: England 2008
22"h x18.5"w ($510)

crop circle image from artwork found in England in 2010


Crop Circle: England 2010

30" h x 19"w ($620) 

Nazca Tree_edited.jpg
Nazca lines crop drawing, circa 500 BC-500AD in Peru

Nazca Tree
Nazca Culture / Peru
Circa: 500 B.C. - 5
00 A.D.
29"h x 33"w ($780)

Bystedt_ Evolution _edited.jpg
Crop Circle: England 2020
20" h x 14"w  ($425)

Photograph by Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography
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